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Sioned Holland
Architect & Passivhaus Designer
MEng(Hons) MArch PG DipArch
Sioned joined Architype in early 2016 after returning from a design and build internship in Borneo where she worked on community-led projects which aspired to conserve nature through design.
During her training, she worked in both architectural practices and environmental engineering consultancy firms. The combination of both disciplines has helped her develop the skills needed to solve design problems with efficient and elegant solutions.
While working at Architype Sioned has worked predominantly within the education sector, working as Passivhaus designer and project architect across a range of scales & project briefs. Sioned worked on Harris Academy from feasibility to construction, taking on the principal role of Passivhaus designer and developing the design as part of the architectural team. She was the Passivhaus designer for Hackbridge Passivhaus Plus primary school - the UK’s first Passivhaus Plus school - and has been project architect on community and education projects across England and Scotland.
In her joint architectural and consultancy role at Architype, Sioned specialises in developing environmental strategies using a range of software – producing early-stage massing and daylight studies, through to testing the performance of technical details and on-site remedial work using thermal bridge software and the Passivhaus Planning Package (PHPP).
Working on Architype’s education projects has enabled Sioned to pursue her interest in broader aspects of effective learning environments. She’s led many talks on Passivhaus and sustainable design and has been transferring her knowledge and experience to architectural students through her work with universities across the UK.
Sioned completed her Part 1 in architecture and environmental design at the University of Nottingham, graduating with first class honours in 2012. Sioned completed her Part 2 at the University of Bath and qualified as an architect in 2019. She strengthened her understanding of environmental design by qualifying as a Passivhaus designer in 2015.