Our Team

Lisa Pasquale
Building Performance Consultant
CEng MCIBSE MSc BArch MSc CoRE Fellow
Lisa is one of the UK’s most experienced building performance consultants and gained a UK Green Building Council Rising Star award in 2016. She has worked with Architype since 2009, through Architype’s ground-breaking Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Oxford Brookes University which evaluated ten projects in-depth. The studies included detailed environmental monitoring, extensive user surveys, and proposed improvements.
Lisa has extensive knowledge of in-use building operation and management, building physics, low-energy services, and fabric design for new build and retrofit domestic and non-domestic buildings. She takes an evidence-based approach to building performance and is an expert in built environment research, technical risk management and post-occupancy evaluation. Lisa has also worked with the Institute for Sustainability and led an industry working group which advised the cabinet office on the government’s soft landings programme, developing recommendations which informed the UK’s BIM strategy. She has supported a number of developing innovative technologies for the built environment and advised the Education Funding Agency on how to integrate performance criteria and funding contract models to meet future educational and operational requirements. Lisa has extensive experience working in university, school, housing, public and care environments and is currently collaborating with Architype on post occupancy evaluations for three schools in Edinburgh.
Lisa first studied urban planning at Tongji University in Shanghai, China, before qualifying as an architect with cum laude distinction from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York in 2004. She gained an MSc in Sustainable Environmental Design from the Architectural Association in 2008 and a diploma from the Centre of Refurbishment Excellence (CoRE) in 2014, specialising in retrofit co-ordination.